Keeping Happy, Healthy & Warm this Winter

The winter months are upon us and can be a struggle for some but if you can look at the positives about the cooler weather and make yourself as comfortable as possible, it can make it a lot easier. I hope you enjoy these tips to help keep you healthy, happy and warm this winter.

1. Food is usually what we think about the most in Winter. I certainly seem to feel hungry alot at this time of the year but it’s what we eat that can be the key. Get the slow cooker or casserole dish out and start making those nice warm nutritious dishes. They aren’t only full of nutrients but are easy to make and digest. Try to include herbs and ingredients that are warming and great for the circulation, such as ginger, garlic, turmeric, cinnamon and chilli. Soups are also simple to make and a staple in the cooler months. Genoma Cardia is great for the Cardiovascular system.

2. Keep a good selection of herbal teas on hand. They will help keep you warm and hydrated but are also medicinal, such as Rosehip tea which is high in Vitamin C, Dandelion leaf and Nettle which are not only highly nutritious but great to help your urinary system. Lemon and honey or blackcurrant drink served hot can work wonders. Try some of our Immune & seasonal supplements 

3. Ensuring you get adequate exercise can be difficult when it’s cold and rainy but essential in keeping your circulation working well and to help your body absorb nutrients. Try and get outside if you can even, if the weather is nasty. A brisk walk can be very grounding and uplifting. If it’s not possible to get outside then try and set up a regular exercise routine indoors. There are many apps and videos available to make this a whole lot easier. Exercise such as Tai Chi and Yoga can be helpful and also remember to stretch before and after exercising to stop any ligament pulls or tears ocurring which is much more common in the colder weather.

4. The two things I dislike the most about the Winter is getting out of my nice warm bed in the morning and getting out of a lovely hot shower or bath. A bathroom heater can make a huge difference as can putting a heater in your bedroom on a timer so when you get up in the morning the room is nice and warm. They are two simple things but could make a big difference to your day.

5. Do stuff that makes you happy. Listen to some of your favourite music, read a good book, watch a video, have a device free day, get a new hairstyle, have a nice bath in epsom salts and essential oils, burn candles, contact an old friend you haven’t heard from in a while, get a face mask or even better, make your own. The Oatmeal, Banana and Milk/liquid yoghurt face mask is amazing. Simply combine and blend together thoroughly 1 tablespoon of grounded oatmeal, 1/2 ripe banana and 1 teaspoon of milk/liquid yoghurt to form a lump free paste. Leave on the skin for 10-15 minurtes.

6. Feeling anxious or stressed is very common in Winter. Try jounalling as it’s a great way to help improve your mental and emotional wellbeing. It can take a little bit of getting used to at first but you’ll be surprised at how affective it is. Talking to family or a good friend about how you’re feeling can help too or to a councillor if you feel it’s getting worse. There are also many supplements available in the Fatigue & Stress category on our site to help support you.

If you’d like some extra help I am available for consultations both distance or face to face and offer the Blood Type Diet consultation or the full Swami Pro, which involves the use of Dr D’Adamo’s software programme.   I am trained to help with both emotional and physical wellbeing and would love to be of assistance where I can.  Please contact me if you’d like to talk more on

I hope you get to try some of my suggestions and that they help you enjoy Winter that much more.

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