Red Chestnut Bach™ Original Flower Remedy – Peace of Mind


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Product Description

Red Chestnut Bach™ Original Flower Remedy


Feeling: You are overly concerned for someone else/others. The positive potential of Red Chestnut is peace of mind.

One of 38 essences within Dr Bach’s Original Flower Remedy system.

Comes in a handy, portable dropper bottle.

Place 2 drops in water and sip at intervals. Or add 2 drops to 30ml mixing bottle containing still spring water, and take 4 drops a minimum of 4 times a day. Alternatively, you may place 2 drops of undiluted essence under your tongue and repeat as necessary.

For combination use, add 2 drops of each essence (maximum 7 essences) into a mixing bottle with some water and take 4 drops, 4 times a day. A teaspoon of cider vinegar or brandy may be added to the remedy as a preservative.

All Bach Original Flower Remedies contain alcohol as a preservative and therefore may be unsuitable for some people.

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