Weight Control System Type B


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Product Description


Eat intelligently, exercise prudently, and get to the root metabolic cause of those excess pounds of body fat with our unique combination of blood type specific products that help address the underlying reasons behind typical weight gain: unhealthy intestinal flora, blood sugar imbalances, and obstructions to detoxification.

This protocol works on several levels simultaneously to maximize the health of gut flora necessary to ensure proper breakdown of food and absorption of the nutrients, while protecting the gut from the effects of deleterious lectins and endotoxins, improving insulin sensitivity and glucose control, and modifying the expression of certain genes known to be related to weight control issues. It is comprised of four interlocking and interdependent supplements:

Deflect® B

Deflect helps to block dietary lectins that can disrupt the integrity of the gut lining, thereby leading to intestinal permeability (‘leaky gut’) and maldigestion. Deflect also blocks certain lectins that would otherwise bind irreversibly to insulin receptors on fat cells allowing unchecked and uncontrolled conversion of glucose into stored fat. Finally, Deflect also acts as a potent ‘prebiotic’ (a food that encourages proper growth of beneficial strains of bacteria) helping to ensure the healthy growth of beneficial bacteria that promote weight loss.

Live Cell® B

Deflect and Live Cell act synergistically to enhance the proper balance of beneficial gut flora effect. Live Cell is primarily a blood type specific ‘conditioner’ of healthy intestinal membrane tissue and inhibitor of bad bacterial overgrowth. The sprouted vegetables in Live Cell are rich in glucosinolates and sulphoranes, phytonutrients that catalyse the formation and function of ‘phase II’ enzymes within the body. These enzymes have been known to remove or destroy cancer-causing substances from cells under lab conditions. Like Deflect, Live Cell is an effective prebiotic, helping to encourage the optimal growth of healthy intestinal flora.

Polyflora® B

Polyflora is a blood type specific probiotic, or source of beneficial bacteria. Probiotics are believed to confer health benefits on the host, including modulation of lipid metabolism, and researchers have suggested potential anti-obesity effects as well. Having healthy gut microflora probably influences obesity in a secondary manner due to its exerting a controlling effect on systemic inflammation.


Salacia is a native herb of India and Sri Lanka and has been used in traditional Indian medicine and Ayurveda successfully for years. The active constituents, salacinol and kotalanol, inhibit alpha-glucosidase and aldose reductase effects. The inhibition of these substances decreases the breakdown of carbohydrates into absorbable monosaccharides and therefore decreases postprandial (after meal) blood glucose levels. Salacia acts as an activator of a type of fat cell receptor called PPAR-alpha that has been shown in animal models to lower plasma triglyceride and total cholesterol levels, increase plasma high-density lipoprotein levels (the so-called ‘good cholesterol’) and reduce the liver levels of triglycerides.

Resveratrol is the now-famous ingredient contained in red wine and implicated in the so-called ‘French Paradox.’ Resveratrol works on the longevity-associated sirtuin genes to promote better cell energetics, respiration and insulin sensitivity. Finally, the Maitake mushroom in Glycosia acts by inhibiting the rapid conversion of complex carbohydrates into the simple sugars, which are then quickly absorbed by the body, leading to such elevated levels of sugars that they are far more likely to make their way into the fat cells and to be converted into fat.

Additional information

Weight 0.43 kg


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