Delicious Recipes

Welcome to our very first EatingRightLivingRight blog.

The Pecan and Chocolate Protein Balls are one of many recipes I have created using Dr D’Adamo’s Blood Type Compliant Protein Blend and of those, three are so far entered onto our site.  You’ll find them under our “Recipes” page – Clean Green Smoothie, Green Tea and Raspberry Smoothie and now our Pecan and Chocolate Protein Balls. I am in the process of putting the finishing touches to the others, so keep an eye out for them coming through soon.

All of these recipes have been made with simplicity in mind and with ingredients that should not be difficult to find, be it in your local supermarket or wholefood or organic store. Ideally, we’d all like to eat organic food but in reality, it’s not always that simple, however growing your own can go a long way. If you can’t buy organic, try and find fresh fruit and vegetables and buy seasonal produce when you can as you’ll find them to be of far better quality.

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